Sooner or later, probably both, you're going to have to overcome something greater than all the other obstacles you've had to face so far. You're going to have to fight someone who knows you very well, someone who knows exactly where your soft spots are, and knows how to poke them so it hurts the most. This enemy is fierce and relentless, just waiting for you to make the smallest slipup and then remembers it forever and throws it in your face over and over. You'll never be able to totally silence this condemning voice completely, it'll be a struggle your whole life. So you better get ready. This fight is going to take everything you've got. The battle is silent in many of our lives. We just do our thing, never really going for it, never pushing past the limits. We define our lives by the barriers, we allow ourselves to be fenced in, bridled, broken. At least for a while. But there comes a time for each of us when we have the choice, to step up. To push back. To do something amazing, and that's when we become aware of the struggle. The truth is, as long as you're letting your fear determine your fate, you'll never even see this battle. But eventually, you'll get a little spark, you'll decide to do it differently, you'll go out on a limb and POW, all this fire and fury erupts in your face! Be ready for it!!

The truth is, this voice only ever tells lies. You've got to be ready for it because it feels so true at the time, but it's always a lie. Everything. Be ready, the moment you decide and act. Right when you step out and go for your first run. Right after you step out of your comfort zone, that's when you'll be challenged the first time. But when you pass that test, there are others to come. Bigger, meaner, tougher chalenges. And they never stop. This is a good thing, a GREAT thing. You've just got to remember, they are all lies. Remember, it's YOUR LIFE, nothing else's! YOU are the one to determine what reality is!
I know you have what it takes inside you to overcome whatever is challenging you today and everyday, whatever mental daggers have been thrown at you. Whatever circumstances are trying to convince you to quit on your dreams. You have what it takes to overcome all of them. You were born with what it takes. Believe it, and unleash it into your life. Never let your fears decide your fate.
This was my favorite post so far. Your wife and kids are supporting you and we will still be supporting you when you cross the finish line. Your brother and sister in law are going on the trip and will watch you cross the finish line in Cozumel. And hundreds other that know you or have been inspired by you will be cheering your accomplishment. I love you.
ReplyDeleteThank you my love. You are awesome in so many ways I would more than triple the character limit just by listing my favorite things about you. Thanks for all your support wife-face.