Based on what I have found out there, what we all learned in elementary school gym class is just about everything we really need to know about fitness in order to get started. If your anything like me, you can spend hours out there searching for knowledge! Looking for the secret to whatever it is your trying to do! And while this is genuinely a good use of time, to a point, the danger is that you might not ever actually get around do doing anything! Spending all your time 'figuring out how to do it' can paralyze you from ever actually doing it. So let me tell you, whether you're taking about running, opening your own shop, breeding dogs (if that's your thing), or whatever: the fastest way for you to get it done is to START! Today! Right Now! Just Do It!!!

When I started this IronMan madness, I barely even knew what a triathlon was, and I sure as heck couldn't spell the word the right way (I am serious, if you know me you know I am telling the truth). That is a good thing too, because if I had known then what I know now, I might have thought about not doing it. I just made a decision to do it and started running. I ran like 100 yards and then had to lay down, but I still DID IT! The next day I ran 101 before I took a nap ;) You know what though? Before long I was running a mile, and then two, and suddenly 10! Biking and swimming started to fall into place too, I learned how to spell T-R-I-A-T-H-L-O-N, and met a bunch of amazing people who could help me! All of it seemed to magically and majestically fall into place all because I made a decision, and took the first step.
If you really think you need to know more about running, then watch the video at this link and then go for a run. It's all you need to know to get started. If you want to know more about business ownership, then give me a call. If you want to know how to breed your own show-dogs, you are totally and completely on your own... I have no clue... The real take away from today though, is to come up with one or two things that you have always wanted to do and write them down. Then figure out what the NEXT thing you need to do is, and write it beside each one. Then do em. Get em done. And tell me about it fer'-crying-out-loud because I love awesome people doing awesome things and want to hear about it!!
Basics of running video;
Email me your story from my homepage, or message me on Facebook or Twitter. Can't wait to read it!
Let your inner awesome out. Stop thinking and unleash the fantastic!
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