I think it's about time for a wake up call. There are a lot of factors out there that can possible prevent you from accomplishing your goals. There are probably two or three chalenges for every asset you have at least. The odds are totally stacked against you. Are we talking about an IronMan? Sure, just as much as we are talking about your first marathon, or going back to college to get that degree, or starting your own business. If you want it, and it is worth fighting for, then it's going to be hard. It is going to take a fight. Really, doing an ironman is easy, that's why everybody does them. Starting a business is ordinary, that's why over 90% of americans are employees, not owners. You want some advice? Don't even try it. Stop now. Quit. It's never going to happen anyway, just look at all the chalenges. Look at all those issues and problems you have to overcome. Impossible.... But wait, that doesn't really discourage you does it. It doesn't make you want to quit. Do you know why?

Let me tell you something you may already know. You are awesome. I mean, you totally kick but. There is a reason you are reading this, and there is a reason you have decided to take it to the next level, or if you haven't decided to yet, then there is a reason you're going to one day. Because you are built for majesty. I know that probably sounds strange, it's not language we use every day. What does it really mean? It means, my friends, that you were created with a purpose. You were made with something in mind. You have been created in the most amazing way, the formation process you went through in your mothers womb still to this modern day baffles scientists and doctors. Sure sure, we know very well WHAT happens, we just don't have a clue WHY. Listen, read, or watch any documentary on this process and you'll hear a lot of what happens next, you'll hear almost none of "this is because". We don't get it. We put men on the moon and launched machines to the far reaches of the solar system, but we still don't understand where we come from.

It is a truism that if you want to understand the purpose of a thing, you can start by examining it's functions, what is it capable of doing. So to that end, let's quickly examine a human. A human is built, cell by cell, brick by brick, for something... but what? well we can certainly say we are made for a fight, look at all the incredible survival systems we have, redundant processess that overlap and cover each other. The adrenal system alone is proof that we are made for a fight, and it is not unique! There are many bodily systems that exist just to boost our performance well above our imaginary limits. one could also say we are created for survival. Look at our capacity to understand the world around us. Nobody can even hope to argue against our ability to harness the environment. Such incredible intelligence, easily hundreds of times smarter than the next smartest animal, well above and in excess to the level of intellect we need just to be the dominant species? when was the last time you examined your hand? Listen; the smartest people on the planet have been trying to copy our ability to WALK for centuries, and have failed. Your body is a mechanical, electrical, intelectual, artful, combat ready, obstacle destroying, masterpiece designed for ... well ... MAJESTY!!
Next time you run, or ride, or swim, or whatever, before you start think a little about the machine you are in command of. The body you are solely in control of. The shape of it, the size of it, the capacity of it. All of these things are yours to command. Your Will runs and governs it all. It will flex and bend to become what you want it to. Just like your life. Push your self and you grow. Stretch yourself and you improve. Breakthrough your boundaries and it hurts, for a second, and you keep the new territory forever. You are meant for greatness, you are born royalty, you are created for majesty. Look at you! You are pilot and captain and commander of the most amazing thing ever made!! And it is capable of becoming whatever you drive it to!! There, all done with my reality check for the day.
Awesome. You really do have a gift here my friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks champ. You rock!!
DeleteMy friend just shared your blog with me, good luck with the rest of your journey! My husband and I are planning on doing Ironman Louisville in 2014. Oh and we are also local to Rochester!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Glad to hear!! We should get together for sure and run / bike sometime. Shoot me an e-mail anytime you like Jamie! halterman.aaron@gmail.com