Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's all in your head.

Your mind is first and foremost, to be considered a weapon of amazingly fearsome power.  As far as human weapons go, it is by far our greatest and most powerful.  With the power of our mind we can level mountains, build cities, and unite nations.  The mind harnessed the power of fire, electricity, steam, even the atom.  It has carried us to the moon and back.  It has conceived and built machines capable of everything from farming to mass murder.  We have built and sent our machines to every imaginable place from the bottom of the sea, to the insides of volcanoes, to the far reaches of the solar system!  All from the imaginings and careful discipline of our mind!  There is no argument that the human mind is the most dazzling and incredible thing nature has yet produced.  It is truly the crowning jewel in the achievement of life.  Having said that, we must be careful with it, because if not properly harnessed it can be the most devastating of the enemies we have in our lives.  Our mind, for all of its glory, can and does turn against us even to the point of paralyzing us from making any advances in our lives.  This is where will power comes in.

Will power is  something truly incredible.  It is the thing that takes total wilderness and turns it into a hay field or a cornfield or a garden.  It takes raw materials and constructs them into something ordered and wondrous.  A house is not built by random power or accident.  It is built by planning and careful execution of knowledge and strength.  You don't build a space station by throwing a bunch of metal into the air with all your might!  Will power is the halter we use to tame the wildness of our minds.

To paraphrase a good book I once read (As A Man Thinketh - James Allen)
We as humans must learn to encourage the presence of all good emotions as the dominating thought in our minds, and at the same time discourage the presence of all the destructive emotions and thoughts.  We are creatures of habit, just like our mind.  It thrives upon the dominating thoughts we feed it.  And through the use of our will-power we can discourage the presence of any emotion, and encourage the presence of any other.  Controlling our minds, through the power of will, is not so difficult.  Control comes from persistence, and habit.  The secret of control lies in understanding the process of thought transmutation.  When any negative emotion pops into our head, we have to change it out for a positive or constructive one, simply by changing what we are thinking about at that moment.  This get's easier and easier the more we do it and ultimately leads to more and more positive circumstances in our lives.  It's even a good idea to keep a few really positive stories or super happy moments in your mind, ready to replace a bad one when it shows up.  Remember: thoughts lead to words, words lead to actions, actions determine your decisions, and your decisions ultimately dictate every element of your life from how much money you make, what you do with your time, and how much you enjoy it!  Thoughts are living breathing things that will manifest if we give them a chance.  So be careful which thoughts you are giving life to.

The truth (which can set you free), is that your life is a reflection of what your thoughts were a few years ago.  Furthermore, your thoughts now will become your life over the next few years.  It's true, the natural progression of thoughts into words into actions into decisions and finally into circumstances is a truism in life.  You will be tomorrow, what you allow to dominate your mind today.  So go take control of the source!  Your amazing, believe it!

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