When you start you are looking for results practically every few hours, or at least every day. At least I did. Each day after a workout I would check myself out, and look the same. No difference yet champ. And the weeks roll by, no change. Eventually though, you start to feel better. More energy, more happy, laugh more, ect. Still no change in how you look. So eventually you stop looking, seriously, you just get over it. You love working out because you feel great, you could never go back to not working out because you remember how shitty you felt all the time. See you could never understand how crappy you feel, if you are unhealthy, until you are healthy. Your normal is unhealthy, you think that is normal for everybody, but it's not. Once your free of feeling crappy, you realize just how crappy it was!!! This is true of everything too, not just health! It's true of a crappy JOB, a crappy relationship, a crappy whatever. People are afraid to step out at first, but once they do they realize how much better things could be! ESPECIALLY when it comes to your fitness!!
Here is some truth, i know it may be difficult to swallow, but it's true none the less. If you have bad days a lot, or you think your spouse is a pain in the neck, and hate your job. ALL THOSE THINGS WOULD BE IMPROVED IF YOU GOT IN GOOD SHAPE! the reason is because YOU would improve. if you want your life to be better, then go make it better.
Anyway, once you are free from the crappyness of un-health, and you look back, you basically stop looking in the mirror because you realize it's not about how you look, it's about how you feel. Then, nature, and God, have a fantastic surprise waiting for you. The months roll by, training continues, and you accidentally glance in the mirror again and POOF! out of know where you have suddenly become the person you always wanted to be, not because you changed your body, but because you changed your LIFESTYLE!! POOF you suddenly are married to someone you love, not because they changed into someone lovable but because YOU changed into someone who could LOVE! POOF your business is on a whole new level, not because the people on your team or in your life suddenly got better and more awesome, but because YOU changed into someone who can see the awesomeness already there in other people!

Go get it, go get your reward, go get your true self, go become who you were ment to be!!! You have everything you need already!! You have what it takes!!
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