Here is the secret; you have incredible potential. An astonishing amount of untapped ability, talent, skill, precision, and power all locked away in this thing called your future. And you have all the keys you need to capture it all and never give any of it back. We as humans however, have a hard time believing that we are awesome, we thing we are broken, weak, clumsy, ugly, fat, skinny, whatever. And we do things to try to hide our weaknesses, and the things we do to hide are the things that end up stealing the future from us. I am talking about failure, or exposure, or embarrassment. These things are not things to be avoided, they are things to be sought out and charged into!! Failure isn't what happens when you don't succeed, it's what happens JUST BEFORE you succeed. You MUST FAIL in order to succeed!! that is the truth. So if you want to unlock all the phenomenal awesomeness that you have in your life, in your future, in your God made person, you've got to stop being afraid of the very things he uses to bring you to your best!

Today I am going biking with a pro biker. This guy is a competitor in bike races. He has like trophies and prize money and stuff, and I am going to feel like a pansy riding with him, but that is a lie. The thing that tries to keep me where i am at says, "he is better than you", "your a loser", "don't waste his time", "he's going to think your pathetic". HAHA all LIES! the truth is, I will be a better rider the more time I spend with him and that is EXACTLY why the lies come in. The lies are afraid of me reaching my full potential and want to keep me away from the things that will help me get there.
Today, and every day, is about slaying demons! kill the things that want to kill your future, never let a single one live, don't even let them take another breath!!! You are incredible, wonderfully, and powerfully made, and should be totally and uncompromisingly intolerant of the things that syphon away your strength and take away your potential and future. Go get em and knock em down! Go get uncomfortable and start improving yourself!!
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