I read the colors of which bag goes where a thousand times... checking over and over. Blue is bike, red run, yellow bike special needs, green bike special needs, the colors are burned into my mind. I think I packed every bag a hundred times. At this point though, all the nerves are gone, nothing can happen that will change the outcome at all. Everything has happened exactly as it was meant to and tomorrow will be no different. The worry stopes, the nerves calm, I think i might even be able to sleep.
My brain almost refuses to accept the fact that the day has come, that tomorrow is the day of the race. It doesn't feel real. My life feels like a dream at this point. I can see the anticipation and excitement on the faces of everyone around me, it's all anyone can talk about. The hotel's across the island are chock full with the ironman contestants, more cardio fitness packed into one island than ever before, since the last ironman. I talk to people who have done five before, three before. I talk to people who have never done a full ironman, but they have done multiple half's and have trained for years. I talk to a precious few who did the unthinkable and trained for an ironman in just a year, all of which have a history of physical endurance racing. I've thought and rethought my plans, strategies, and backup plans a million times, there's nothing left to think about. The only thing left to do is visualize.
I went for the practice swim today, felt the waves, tasted the salt... I like salt... it makes me feel like I can fly. Some of the other contestants are talking about a strong current during the swim. I can imagine the water on my face, the motions of the swim. I have swam miles and miles and miles preparing for this race... I feel good about the swim
Transition one: get out of the water, supposed to be showers there somewhere, take your time. What if I forget, can't think that way. Go over the blue.. no .. yeah blue bag... Shoes, equipment, water, nutrition. What goes in which pocket... Bike helmet, make sure it's buckled, don't get on too soon... Find my wife... I like her... give her a kiss, then ride away.
I can feel the wind on my face from the few practice races I have done here in Cozumel. The pedals feel good under my feet. I love the feeling of peddling, makes me feel fast. The surging muscles in my legs are almost in slow motion in my mind... The course fly's by in my mind as I imagine the road... three loops. I have been thinking of the crosswinds for months... other people are worried too, but the forcast is for low winds and a cool day... what will be will be... think about transition 2.
off the bike by 4, just get off the bike by 4 no matter what! change my socks, put on sneakers. I remember the practice run. Felt heavy, slow, lumbering... like I was made of rock. I hope it dosn't feel like that tomorrow... I really don't like running, but I like the way the road feels, the stride. Feels like i could go forever, just moving. Farthest i've ever ran so far is 16 miles, and that was very rough. Worried about my knee, stupid IT band... i've done all I can do, as long as I've off the bike by 4 I will be ok.
I am not worried, but excited, so very excited. I can feel my heart pounding, slowly, as I visualize each moment of the day to come. So aware of the events that will follow, feeling the swim, feeling the bike. Cant wait for it to be over. will this really be worth it? I hope everything will be ok... but deep, down I know God will take care of it somehow. At the end of the day I know, making a move like this requires just two things... Faith, and Determination. I've done the work, I've put in the hours. I have a plan I will not fail.
I fall asleep without any hesitations.
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